Category Archives: Geometry

Basis geometry

Area 3D polygon on a plane

    static public double getSignedArea(List points, XYZ normal)
        int nPoints = points.Count;

        XYZ sum = XYZ.Zero;
        for (int index = 1; index < nPoints; index++)
            sum += points[index].CrossProduct(points[index - 1]);
        sum += points[0].CrossProduct(points[nPoints - 1]); 

        double area = normal.DotProduct(sum);
        return -0.5 * area;

To calculate the area of a 3D polygon on a plane. the normal is the plane’s normal.

Lastest update in March 2021, inital post in June 2020

Determine whether a point is above or below a vector (2D)

Determine whether point P is above or below a vector through points A, B

Point above vector

z = (B_x - A_x) (P_y - A_y) - (B_y - A_y) (P_x - A_x)

Possible values for z:

0  On the vector

> 0 Above the vector

< 0 Below the vector

The function above is the ‘2D cross product’, therefore z is the surface of vector \overline{AB} and \overline{AP}. Dividing the surface by the length of vector \overline{AB} (\vert \overline{AB}\vert) gives the ‘signed distance’ of the point perpendicular to the point P.

Lastest update in January 2022, inital post in December 2015

Get the distance between a point and vector (2D)

Determine the distance of point P and vector through points P1, P2

Distance point – vector

dist = \dfrac{\left | (B_x - A_x) (P_y - A_y) - (B_y - A_y) (P_x - A_x) \right |}{||\overline{AB}||}

This is a ‘2D cross product’ of \overline{AB} and \overline{AP}. Since the cross product is the parallelogram surface of the two vectors, dividing it by the length of \overline{AB} to get the distance.

\left\|\overline{AB}\right\| = \sqrt{(B_x - A_x)^2 + (B_y - A_y)^2}

Lastest update in January 2022, inital post in November 2015

Calculate a point at a distance perpendicular to a vector offset (2D)

To calculate a point at a distance perpendicular to a vector offset

Point perpendicular to offset

First the point on the vector P' at the required offset needs to be calculated. This easy to do:

P' = A + (B-A) * offset

P'_x = A_x + (B_x - A_x) * offset
P'_y = A_y + (B_y - A_y) * offset

The vector to move the point P’ on is perpendicular to \overline{AB}. This vector can be calculated using a 90 degree rotation matrix:

\begin{bmatrix}  cos \alpha   & -sin \alpha \\   sin \alpha  & cos \alpha \\ \end{bmatrix}   = \begin{bmatrix}  cos 90  & -sin 90 \\   sin 90  & cos 90\\ \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix}  0  & -1 \\   1  &  0 \\   \end{bmatrix}

The matrix shows in the the first row x'= -y and the second row shows y'= x

You can safely ignore the stuff above if you are only interested in getting the job done. The final formula is:

\begin{pmatrix}x'\\y' \end{pmatrix}= \begin{pmatrix}-y\\x \end{pmatrix}

We will call the vector (\overline{P'P}) vector C.

C =\begin{pmatrix}- (B_y - A_y)\\   B_x - A_x \end{pmatrix}

Vector C needs to be normalized (divided by it’s length / magnitude).

\hat{C} =\dfrac{C}{\left \|C \right \|}

The resulting formula becomes:

P = (A + (B-A) * offset) + \hat {C} * distance

A positive distance will get the point above the vector, a negative below the vector.

Lastest update in March 2022, inital post in October 2011

Check whether two 2D lines are coincident.

To check whether two 2D lines are coincident, the distance of C and D to AB need to be calculated. For a coincident line both need to be (almost) zero.

The z component of the cross vector can be used for this quite elegantly.

Note: The cross vector is noted as an x e.g. AxB

To check whether the two lines AB and CD are coincident, the z-component of two cross vectors need to be calculated. Both calculate the distance of the points on line CD to AB.

AB x AC is the area of the parallelogram AB AC, dividing it with the length of AB (|AB|) gives the shortest distance of point C to line AB.

AB x AD gives the area of the parallelogram AB AD

After dividing with |AB| this is also the shortest distance of D to line AB. If both distances are small enough the lines are coincident.

dist_{abc} = \overline{AB}_x·\overline{AC}_y -   \overline{AB}_y·\overline{AC}_x
dist_{abd} = \overline{AB}_x·\overline{AD}_y -   \overline{AB}_y·\overline{AD}_x

Lastest update in March 2022, inital post in September 2011

Check whether two 2d direction vectors are parallel

The cross product of two parallel direction vectors has zero length. The magnitude (length) of the cross product is the area enclosed by the vectors. Two parallel direction vectors obviously do not have a surface since they can be considered the same origin.

In 2D the z axis is the normal to the x and y axis. The z-axis is calculated by using the cross vector of both vectors.

The cross vector Z-component can be calculated using:
z = A_x B_y - A_y B_x

if z is very small, the vectors are parallel.

Lastest update in December 2019, inital post in September 2011

2D Line intersection using vectors

In this note I will explain how to find the intersection point P  between two line segments. Note that this method will also calculate intersections on extended line segments.

As a reminder the cross product is the area of the parallelogram enclosed by the two As a reminder, the cross product is the area of the parallelogram enclosed by the two vectors. In 2D graphics, we will calculate only the z-component of the cross-vector, which will be called the cross-product in this note.

It can be calculated using the following formula:

a\times b = a_x  b_y - a_y b_x

Calculating the actual intersection:

As an example we will calculate the intersection point P of line segments AB and CD as shown in image 1.

Image 1

We will consider the line segments as vectors, this gives us the following vectors.

AB =\begin{pmatrix}6\\3\end{pmatrix}, CD =\begin{pmatrix}-4\\4\end{pmatrix}

To calculate the intersection point we will first calculate the area of the parallelogram formed by AB and CD as shown in image 2.

Image 2

The area can be calculated using the cross product of AB \times CD

AB\times CD = \begin{pmatrix}6\\3\end{pmatrix}\times\begin{pmatrix}-4\\4\end{pmatrix} = (6.4)-(-4.3) = 24-(-12) = 36

Calculating the offset on segment CD

We will now calculate the area below vector AB as seen in image 3

Image 3

It can be seen the offset on segment on CD will be equal to this area divided by the total area calculated earlier. Fortunately we can easily calculate the area by using the area shown in image 4.

Image 4

The areas shown in image 3 and image 4 are the same. Note that image 4 shows the parallelogram formed by AC and AB, we will use the cross-product to calculate it.

We will introduce vector AC for this.

AC =\begin{pmatrix}7-2\\3-2\end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix}5\\1\end{pmatrix}

AC\times AB = \begin{pmatrix}5\\1\end{pmatrix}\times\begin{pmatrix}6\\3\end{pmatrix} = (5.3)-(1.6) = 15-6 = 9

Now we are almost done. We have both areas (9 and 36) so we can create the offset

offset = \frac{9}{36}CD which can be simplified to offset = \frac{1}{4}

If we multiply the offset with CD we find the point on the vector CD.

Since the line segment CD does not start on \begin{pmatrix}0\\0\end{pmatrix} the actual point needs to be moved by C

P = C +  \frac{1}{4}CD

Let’s check whether it is correct

P = C + \frac{1}{4}CD = \begin{pmatrix}7\\3\end{pmatrix} + \begin{pmatrix} \frac{1}{4}(-4)\\ \frac{1}{4}4\end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix}6\\4\end{pmatrix}

As a general formula:

\boxed{P = C + \frac{AC\times AB}{AB \times CD}CD}

The offset on CD can be negative or larger then one. In that case the intersection is on the extension of line segment CD. This is an advantage of this method.

Calculating the offset on segment AB

For the offset of P on AB we repeat the steps above.

We know calculate the area as shown at image 5

Image 5

Which equals the area shown in image 6.

Image 6

AC\times CD = \begin{pmatrix}5\\1\end{pmatrix}\times\begin{pmatrix}-4\\4\end{pmatrix} = (5.4)-(1.-4) = 20-(-4) =24

P = A + \frac{24}{36}AB \to  P = A + \frac{2}{3}AB

Let’s check whether it is correct

P = A + \frac{2}{3}AB = \begin{pmatrix}2\\2\end{pmatrix} + \begin{pmatrix} \frac{2}{3}(6)\\ \frac{2}{3}3\end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix}6\\4\end{pmatrix}

As a general formula:

\boxed{P = A + \frac{AC\times CD}{AB \times CD}AB}

Lastest update in March 2022, inital post in September 2011

Find out where a vector intersects a horizontal (or vertical) line

Of course the line intersection method can be used but in case of horizontal or vertical lines a quicker solution is available.

Assume  the vector V1 defined by points P1 and P2. and the horizontal line is  through point P

The offset of the intersection is:

offset = \dfrac{P_y - P1_y}{P2_y - P1_y}

Lets say P1 is 10,10 P2 20,20 and P.y 0,15

In this case  (15-10)/(20-10)  is 0.5

If P1 and P2 is revered it will be (15-20)/(10-20) = -5/-10 = 0.5.

There is a  special case if the vector is parallel or on the horizontal line, in that case, there is no intersection. In that case, p2.y – p1y is zero. This situation must be checked since it will also prevent a division by zero. You probably also want to limit very small values of this value since it may result in very large (positive or negatively) offset values.

Vertical lines:
In case of a vertical line replace all .y above by x.

Calculating the intersection point:
The offset when the vector is hit is always >= 0.0 and <= 1.0,  otherwise, it is on the extended vector.

Calculating the intersection point on the(extended)  vector is trivial

x = p1_x +(p2_x-p1_x) * offset
y = p1_y +(p2_y-p1_y) * offset

Lastest update in December 2019, inital post in June 2011