Detect whether capslock, scrolllock or numlock is active.

To detect whether capslock, scrolllock or numlock is currently active use the static function Control.IsKeyLocked

Valid are Keys.ScrollKeys.NumLock and Keys.CapsLock

The Keys enumeration can be found in System.Windows.Forms.Keys


If (Control.IsKeyLocked(Keys.CapsLock))
Lastest update in May 2011, inital post in May 2011

Check whether a mouse button is down.

To check whether a mouse button is down use the static Control.MouseButtons property.


if ((Control.MouseButtons & MouseButtons.Right ) == MouseButtons.Right )
Lastest update in May 2011, inital post in May 2011

Get environment variables

Use the System.Envirionment.GetEnvironmentVariable method to get an environment variable.

string value = GetEnvironmentVariable(“OS”);

This gets the %OS% system variable.

Lastest update in May 2011, inital post in May 2011

Get the command line

There are two ways to get the command line.

string commandLine = System.Environment.CommandLine;

This property contains the entire (full) command line.

or use:

string[] commandLine = System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs();

The first array element contains the executable (may include the path)
The other array elements the arguments. They are separated by spaces.

Lastest update in May 2011, inital post in May 2011

Generate a random number (or byte array)

To generate a random number use the System.Random.Random class

The numbers generated are pseudo random. Typically, using the same seed generates the same value sequences.

The seed can be set in the constructor. If none is set, a time dependent seed is used which should generate more or less random values.

To get a value call the method Next

int value = rand.Next();

or within range 0 – 255

int value = rand.Next(255);

or between 100 and 200

int value = rand.Next(100, 200);

a double between 0.0 and 1.0

double value = rand.NextDouble();

Or a byte buffer

Byte data = new Byte[100];

Lastest update in November 2015, inital post in May 2011

Getting a value of a ToolStripTextBox on a lost focus

Using the Leave event does not work unless you press Tab key (which presumably takes the focus of the entire ToolStrip).

To detect the lost focus of the ToolStripTextBox use the LostFocus event. It is not in the designer and needs to be added manually, typically from the forms constructor.

public Form1()
   toolStripTextBox1.LostFcus += new EventHandler(toolStripTextBox1_LostFocus);

void toolStripTextBox1_LostFocus(object sender, EventArgs e)
   //Access the text property
   string value = toolStripTextBox1.Text;
Lastest update in May 2011, inital post in May 2011

Remove all selected rows from an editable DataGridView

Remove all selected rows from an editable DataGridView.

There is small catch here. The new row is also selected but will trigger an exception when removed.

The following code will work correctly.

foreach (DataGridViewRow dr in list.SelectedRows)
   if (!dr.IsNewRow)
Lastest update in May 2011, inital post in May 2011

Serialize an object to / from XML

Serializing  allows you to simply store or load an object’s contents to a XML file.

Classes can be serialized to XML. All public fields will be serialized automatically

Use the [XmlIgnoreAttribute] to prevent serialization.



int notToBeSerialized;


Save or load an object to an XML file.

These functions can throw exceptions which must be handled !

class XMLSerializer
   public static T read<T>(string path)
      T data = default(T);
      System.IO.TextReader reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(path);
      System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer ser = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(T));
      data = (T)ser.Deserialize(reader);
      return (data);

   public static void write<T>(string path, string filename, T data)
      if (!Directory.Exists(path)) Directory.CreateDirectory(path);
      path += "\" + filename;
      System.IO.TextWriter writer = new System.IO.StreamWriter(path);
      System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer ser = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(T));
      ser.Serialize(writer, data);
      return (true);
Lastest update in May 2011, inital post in May 2011

Optionally compiling a function / method

Optional compiling is useful to include additional testing or diagnostics.

In the top of the file or in the project settings create a define and use the Conditional attribute for the function / method

#define MY_DEFINE


void function()



Lastest update in May 2011, inital post in May 2011